Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lake views...

Strong winds blew in some big grey clouds today. It's been raining and sleeting off and on this afternoon, and the wind has been blowing hard. 

I stopped by the lake in Leonard on my way home from work earlier... And as you can see the ice is just starting to melt off of the lakes around here. 

There were even a couple Canadian geese out there braving the chilly waters. 

I wonder if there will still be ice on the lakes when we return from our trip the end of April... I guess we will have to just wait and see! 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! I vote for the second to last picture as my favorite, the one where you use the road as leading lines. I think I am just a really big fan of excellent composition in photography. :)

    Oh, and the texture in the clouds is lovely...
