Saturday, March 28, 2015



Nathan and I went exploring earlier... Ventured into some parts of the woods we never had and found a slightly dried up river/pond bed. It was pretty cool! Lots of old wood, moss, snail shells and so forth. Also a couple old beaver dams were still intact, one of which is all over grown with grass and reeds, dividing the stream in two. I had always wanted to go explore this area before, it was a really fun way to spend an afternoon with my man :)

Some old trees sticking up out of the marshy ground.

The view while standing on the grown over beaver dam.

You can barely see one of the beaver dams out on the other side of the frozen water.

Some really tall grassy reeds blowing in the wind. 

Heading back....


  1. Looks like an enjoyable afternoon! Where were these photos taken?

  2. Really amazing shots! I'm glad you, and Nathan had a great walk!

  3. Okay, so I really like the "some old trees sticking up out of the water" photograph. Both the fact that it is compositionally strong, and the beautiful contrast of the deep blue in the water and sky against the surround land.

    Your third (or so) biggest fan,
    ~Isaiah Mitchell
