Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Canada & Beyond - Day 1

Here I am finally getting the opportunity to share about our recent travels. Thanks for your patience everyone! 
Our very incredible trip to Canada and Beyond, started off on Sunday morning August 13th. We got up early that morning, packed up, loaded the car, and got on the road around 7:30am as the sun was coming up.

Nathan, Julia, Hayley, Faith, and Me

Our first major stop was in Grand Rapids, MN at Aldi to stock up on food for the first portion of the trip, and of course snacks ;) 

After leaving Grand Rapids we started heading a little more north eastern like towards Hibbing, and the north shore of lake superior.

It wasn't too long before we caught our first glimpse of Lake Superior! No matter how many times I visit the north shore, it still always gives me a rush of emotion seeing all that gorgeous blue water. 

We got on highway 61, the main road that goes all along the entire North Shore from Duluth up to Grand Portage and Thunder Bay on the Ontario boarder. 

We decided to make a quick stop at Palisade Head, a very high cliff point right off the highway, since the others in the car had never been there before. 

It was a little overcast and hazy over the water, but still a beautiful sight!

Shovel point, over in Tettegouche State Park

After our little stop we decided to stay on the road till we got closer to the Canadian boarder.

Getting so close!

The scenery really started to change as we were making our way further and further north. I had never been past Grand Marais before, so it was a new experience for me too :)

Stopped at a cool overlook right before we crossed the boarder. Our last time to stand on US ground for the next week!

We found Canada! haha

We only had to wait in line at the boarder crossing for maybe 15 minutes, so that was really nice. 

Made it through without a hitch and were all pretty excited to be out of the country for the first time (even if we were only 6 hours from home haha)

Had to make the switch to kilometers and so forth, was a bit of an adjustment but was also pretty cool.

The landscape was really different from anything we had ever seen in the states, I wasn't really expecting it to be that different so quickly!

It started to get rainy and cloudy as we were making our way through the Thunder Bay area, but really wanted to stop somewhere and make some lunch and have a picnic or something. We found a park on the outskirts of town and walked up to the scenic overlook... just in time to watch the rain come right for us. ;p

A moment after taking those pictures, it started pouring so we all made a mad dash for the car. Annnnd ended up making some tasty chicken salad sandwiches in the back of the car and called it good. Was pretty memorable haha ;p

Went through a lot of road work that evening, so was slow going at times be saw a lot of pretty things so was worth it.

Cool bridge right?!

Got to see the sun go down over the lake, was a sight to behold :)

We made it to our destination at Neys Provincial Park Campground later that night after dark. Set up camp and hit the hay right away. More photos of that beautiful park in the next post! 

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