After we left Yellowstone we crossed back and forth a couple times across the WY and MT boarders as we made our way north. Lame excuse I know, but I fell asleep for like 5 minutes (okay maybe longer than that) and next thing I know, Nathan is shaking me awake because I'm "missing the coolest thing ever." He was totally right though, we were going through Beartooth Pass, probably the most incredible drive ever.
We made a quick rest stop at Rock Creek Vista Point, was up high in the mountains. It was pretty amazing up there!
From there we started heading back down, and out of the mountains into more populated country ;p
From this point we pretty much just stuck to the Interstate alllll the long, long way home.
Eventually we made it through the rest of Montana and in to North Dakota, it was a long trek home.
We finally got to Fargo, ND and made our last stop before home at 1:40am.
We got home at long last at 4:30am on Friday July 8th, unloaded the basics and finally made it to bed close to 6:00am. It was not the most pleasant of home comings, as Nathan had to get up at 9:00am for work, so we didn't get much sleep.... But we caught up on sleep here and there as the days went on, and got back in to the swing of things with our work schedules and normal life. It was good to be home :)
Thanks everyone for reading and viewing all my posts and following us along our journey!